Meet tutors from all over the world that are dedicated to tutoring kids. Learn more about each of these tutors, who they like to work with, and the kinds of results they get. Looking for a great tutor? Check out the Professional Freelance Tutors Directory.
Published 1 year ago
Robert Travers is one of those people that took a subject he struggled with and surpassed everyone's expectations. He turned out to be a curve buster in Calculus and today helps kids get a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus test so they can skip it in college and save money. Check out Robert's profile here. Robert Travers on Professional Freelance Tutor Directory ( Also, if you want to be a member of the directory and connect with other tutors each month click that join now button.
Published 1 year ago
Darci is an online Tutor who helps kids with dyslexia. After trying to figure out everything she could to help her own daughter with dyslexia Darci has been on a path to help other kids. Be inspired by this tutor. Find other great tutors in the professional freelance tutor directory.
Published 2 years ago
Maria Geffers has over 30 years of classroom experience, as a Teacher of the Gifted with certifications in English/Communications/Writing and Social Studies. She helps students find the right career, the right major, the right college and graduate in 4 years with the least amount of money out of pocket. She develops a highly holistic and individualized plan to ensure that the child's admissions application "Rises to the Top." She has co-authored with her husband Tom, " Degree of Success, the Right Career, the Right College, and the Financial Aid to Make it All Possible." Maria is also a fe...